Our Trip to the Big Island of Hawaii and to Molokai

September 1-15, 2010

Our condo in Kona is the on the bottom  right.  The lagoon is in the foreground. 
We are in walking distance to town.

Turtle in the lagoon next to the condo.

This is what he is chomping on.

Geckos at breakfast

PunaLu'u Black Sands Beach

It's been a long day!

A mongoose decides to join us for dinner!

The Queen Lili'uokalani Canoe Races are the world's largest outrigger canoe races. 

Staging of the canoes the day before the race. 
The entire dock was covered with canoes!

Launching a canoe

It's in the water...

And, here comes the crew!

Another launch point

Heading out to the starting point in the middle of the harbor

There were almost 200 canoes all lined up in a row across the harbor.

This is the start of the race of the double hull canoes with 12 paddlers per canoe.

And the start of the 1-person stand up race.

Telescopes at Mauna Kea Summit. 
The 13,400 foot altitude definitely caused some light-headedness

Goodbye Kona!

I really don't trust an aircraft that has to be propped up in the back when it's on the ground!

Sunrise from the deck of our house in Moolokai!

"Aloha Friday" at the Hotel Molokai!

Kalaupapa Lookout ... view of the former leper colony below.

Phallic Rock

Waterfall above the Halawa Valley

St. Joseph's Church


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