Our Trip to Kona
on the Big Island of Hawaii
August 31 - September 9 

Guess who is happy to be back!

It's time again for the Queen Liliuokalani Canoes Races.

There are over 200 six person canoes out there!

This time we had 4 turtles swimming
in the ocean in front of our lanai

Sea turtles and petroglyphs at
Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park.

More petroglyphs at Waikoloa Petroglyph Field


Went on the Kona Brewing Co tour
and had some samples!


The real flowers finally arrive!

Bill finally caved and we went to the luau
at the Royal Kona Resort.
We have listened to the music and caught glimpses of the show
from our balcony across the lagoon since 2009.
But now I must admit that the show is really good
and worth going to!

Bill makes some new friends at the
Three Ring Ranch Exotic Animal Sanctuary !

What, me worry?


And we only parked the rental car there overnight!

Waialea Beach - our favorite!



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