Lassen Volcanic National Park in California.
June 9 - June 11, 2018
(The 55th National Park that we have visited)

First stop was in Redding, CA
where we visited the Turtle Bay Sundial Bridge.
Boy, there are a lot of rules!


One of the markers on the dial of the sundial

Kathleen hamming it up beneath the bridge.

Next we headed off the Lassen Natonal Park,
but first made a stop of Subway Cave Lava Tube
in Lassen National Forest.

(I know, it's hard to keep everything
beginning with the word "National" straight.
One day a site is a National Monument,
the next it's a National Park!

Kathleen showing off her new walking sticks
on the walkway down to the tube entrance.

This is pretty much what you saw in the middle of the tube
when you turned a flashlight on.  Otherwise you are literally
stumbling in the dark!

After that we proceeded to Lassen Volcanic National Park!

First stop was Reflection Lake.
I wonder why they call it that?

A nice view of Lassen Peak from the lake

The flowers are just beginning to sprout up


We had a visitor while we
were walking around the lake

Another nice view of Lassen Peak

Closer view of Lassen Peak from
Devastated Area

Hot Rock

This 300 ton boulder was shot out from the crater
and carried downhill 5 miles by the
resulting snow avalanche in 1915
to the area now known as
Devestated Area

Nice view of Emerald Lake, in June
it is still frozen over from the winter.

Geothermal mud pots at
Sulfur Works

That's all folks!

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