March 3 - 9, 2019

Welcome to the Lahaina Shore Resort!
We stayed on the fifth floor,
in the corner condo on the far right.

The Emerald Princess arrived in port the next morning.

And somewhere out there is a rainbow?
Look for it, look for it!

And no trip to Hawaii is not complete
without sampling the shaved ice!

A rare view of Lanai across the channel
without the cloud layer covering the top.
(No, it is not the North Shore
of the Big Island as I
had been told!

We visited the Nakalele blowhole
and then continued down Highway 340
on the Northeast side of the island.
Last time we were here we attempted it,
but backed out during the first quarter of the trip.
This time we made it all the way, but cheated a bit

Just past the blowhole, there was a road barrier
stating only local access was allowed.
Bill said I'm loco, and drove past the barriers.

Turns out the highway department was clearing
giant bolders that had fallen onto the road and were
about to fall onto the road.

The good news was there was less traffic going
in the opposite direction, and Bill had to back up
to allow opposing traffic to pass on the one lane wide road
only three or four times during the adventure!

Sorry, no other pictures from this day. 
I did not want to drive off the side of the road!

After seeing all of the whale activity from
the lanai at our condo,
we decided to get a closer look by booking
a trip on The Pacific Whale Foundation ship Discovery .

We began seeing whales off the coast of

Later we headed back for the coast of Maui.
You can tell how close to the coastline
the whales are by size of the cars on the highway
in the background.

And of course, no trip to Maui is complete
without a trip down the road to Hana!

And beyond Hana to West Maui

We spent considerable time in the old town
 of Lahaina in search of ...
North Shore Goodies
Original Coconut Peanut Butter.
Don't ask me why!

Banyon Tree Park.
Everything you see here is basically
one tree.

And here it is!

Kathleen holding up the tree
to make sure it does not fall over.

Sunset (as it were, behind the island of Lanai)

And some additional whale pictures from our lania.

We visited the Maui Ocean Center
on the day before our last day.

Let's see that happy face!

And perhaps the best of all, a whale
breaching in front of our condo
on our last day!

All in all, not a bad trip,
unless you don't like watching whales
during their mating season in Hawaii!


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