Trip to Costa Rica and the Panama Canal
March 2004

Our Itinerary - San Jose, La Paz Waterfall Gardens located in the rain forest,
Volcano Irazu National Park, Sarchi, Puerto Caldera, San Josecito Beach,
Granita del Oro Island, The Darien, the Panama Canal, San Blas Islands,
Colon, Panama City.

We spot a whale on the way to San Josecito / Bahia Paraiso

Traveling up the Mogue River.  We had to begin at 5:45 a.m.
to travel during high tide.

The Embera greet us

Going through the Miraflores Locks at 8:15 p.m.

Going through the Pedro Miguel Locks at 11:00 pm

A Kuna Woman

The Mola Swap Meet

Last chance to buy a Mola - one dollar!

We disembark in Colon

Monkey Island in the canal

A pre election parade in Panama City


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