Our Vacation in Scotland

September  2000

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Edinburgh Castle

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A hairy cow on the island of Mull

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Bill finally figures out the the driver's
side is on the right side of the car!

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A Kodak moment at Eilean Donan castle

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Urquhart castle at Loch Ness

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Bill trying to use the telephone near
Loch Ness

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We visit the Glenfiddich distillery

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Glenfiddich distillery

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Glenfiddich distillery

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More hairy cows

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This one looks real mad!

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A baby hairy cow!

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Stone circle at Inverurie

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Another kodak moment at the stone circle

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Graigievar Castle

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Castle Fraser

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Dunnotter castle

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Dunnottar castle

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View from Dunnottar castle
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